Freedom of Information
The City of Staunton was incorporated as a village in 1859.
The city is governed under the Aldermanic-City form of government. The City Council is comprised of eight aldermen and a mayor. Aldermen are elected from each of the City's four wards to serve either two or four year terms. The Mayor, City Treasurer, and City Clerk are elected at large to serve four-year terms.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the principal Illinois Law governing the inspection of public records. The law provides that any person can request in writing copies of public documents on a specific subject and the public body must provide those records unless those records are covered under one of the exemptions in the act.
All FOIA requests must be submitted in writing to the primary contact listed below. Click on the link below for our standard request form.
The FOIA and OMA officers were appointed by the city council.
Total Number of Employees = 72
22 Full Time Employees
50 Part Time Employees
Listed below by department
List of City Offices and Locations
City Clerk's Office
101 W Pearl St
Full Time = 2
Part Time = 1
Part Time = 4
Yard Waste Attendant (Part Time) = 1
105 S Wood St
Full Time Officers = 6 (includes Police Chief)
Full Time Dispatchers = 3
Part Time Officers = 23
Part Time Dispatchers = 19
Part Time Crossing Guard = 1
914 N Easton St
Full Time = 6 (includes Public Works Director)
Part Time = 1
914 N Easton St
Full Time = 2
935 N Easton St
Full Time = 3
Police Department
Park & Rec Department & Public Grounds
Street Department
Sewer Department
Water Department
Primary FOIA Officer
Dennis Stiegemeier
City Clerk
City Clerk's Office
101 W Pearl St
Staunton, IL 62088
Primary OMA Contact
Dennis Stiegemeier
City Clerk
City Clerk's Office
101 W Pearl St
Staunton, IL 62088