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Public Notice of Categorical Exclusion from Detailed Environmental Review

Public Notice of Categorical Exclusion from Detailed Environmental Review
The City of Staunton is proposing to install a new sanitary force main and rehabilitate the existing
pump station. The city is seeking loan assistance from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(IEPA) under the IEPA Water Pollution Control Loan Program.

In accordance with the IEPA Loan Rules, Title 35, Subtitle C, Chapter II, Part 365.330 (State
Environmental Review), the IEPA has determined that the proposed Sanitary Sewer improvement
Project may be excluded from a detailed environmental impact review. The IEPA may categorically
exclude certain types of projects from environmental review if no potential for negative
environmental impacts exists. This project qualifies for Categorical Exclusion due to being
constructed in a previously disturbed area located near or in the location of the existing wastewater
treatment plant. Information related to the Project and Categorical Exclusion prepared by the IEPA
is available for review at 101 West Pearl Street, Staunton, IL 62088.

There will be a 10-day public comment period subsequent to the publication of this notice to
receive comments from interested and affected parties. During the comment period, written
comments may be provided to 101 West Pearl Street, Staunton, IL 62088, or to Kaitlyn Holtsclaw,
Project Manager, Infrastructure Financial Assistance Section, Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency, Bureau of Water, 2520 W. Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276.”
Craig Neuhaus
City of Staunton


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Mon February 8, 2021 - beginning at 6:30PM 

This event has a video call.

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